Monday 13 December 2010

Opening sequence- script draft 2


American Reporter:
 This is news just in, and you are looking at the world trade centres in New York where it is understood that a plane apparently crashed into one of the twin towers. At this point however CNN are trying to capture further information about the type of plane or the extent of the damage caused, but obviously it looks quite severe.

British Reporter:
And we’re getting reports of a plane crash in the world trade centre in New York; you can see the pictures there. That is all the information we know at the moment, you can see there is a large fire and evidence of a great collision. This is all from BBC news at this moment, please return-


American Reporter:
The world trades are at the moment covered in a thick veil of dust, it is difficult to see how this could’ve- Oh my God, um, well it seems that another collision has just happened, though it is not clear which tower it was-

British Reporter:
 The world trade centres hold a large amount of office workers, and it is still not confirmed the exact amount of casualties. (Pause) BBC has gathered more information and it seems that a second plane has hit the twin towers, though it is still unclear which exact tower it is in lower Manhattan.

American accent:
 And it is confirmed that the south tower has also been hit on on the September 11th 2001

This script involves two voice-overs, both with different accents (British and American). One of the reasons why we didn’t use this script was because of the lack of diversity it offered as oppose to our other script were a number of accents were used. We intended to show that the 9/11 attacks were a global concern, this script, however, does not achieve this. This script is more accurate to how reporters would have delivered their news feed, as we used what the reporters said on the day and configured it so it would be parallel to the visuals. It also goes in depth about the conditions of the twin towers, though this makes it easier to allow the audience to visualise the towers, it was unnecessary because everybody was aware of the 9/11 attacks, and if they did not, it was not very relevant as Cornelius’ drawing illustrates the damage already.   

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