Monday 24 January 2011

Photo Storyboard

Long panning shot of the room to establish the set in which our sequence is set in.

Panning continues revealing numerous books and papers.

Still panning… 

First shot of Cornelius, Medium shot of him sleeping and twitching.
Voice Over: “This is breaking news just in, on ...”

Semi-extreme close up of Cornelius sharply opening his eyes and gazing forward, lifelessly.  
“the attacks on the world trade centre in new york

Medium shot where Cornelius sits up staight very quickly. 
He bigins to fiddle with the papers on his desk and find a note pad.

Close-up of Cornelius reaching for a pencil, then an extreme close-up of Cornelius grabbing the pencil out of the pot.
"The buildings in the south end of manhatten seem to have been shrouded in smoke and debris"

Medium close-up of  Cornelius about to draw. 
"which many hundreds of people are trying to escape."

Close-up of Cornelius about to write .
"Here is clearer footage of the towers, and it seems-" 

Extreme close-up of pencil making contact with paper.

Point of View(POV) shot showing Cornelius drawing a line. 

Medium over-the-shoulder shot of Cornelius reaching for his head
"That the south tower is untouched, but north tower however-"

Medium close-up of Cornelius pinching the bridge of his nose

Extreme close up of Cornelius' eyes rolling back

Medium side-shot of Cornelius' head falling forward, onto the table. 
 "But North tower however, has suffered a devastating collision"

Cut-back scene, High medium shot of Cornelius in the corner of a room, rocking back and forwards. 
Voice over pauses. 

Medium-long shot of Cornelius looking out of window.

Medium close-up of Cornelius sitting up straight.
"We are still retrieving more information as we are contacting our sources to..." 

Over-the-shoulder shot of drawing slowly being revealed through panning.
"Keep you updated on this matter" 

Image in revealed. 
"And it seems that... Oh my god!" 

Close up of different areas of image is shown.
"Another collision has just happened" 

Medium shot of Cornelius, zooming into the wall
"and it is the south tower this time, although just seconds ago we reported that it was fine, is now in flames."

Zoom-out of Cornelius' drawing. 
It is  on September 11th 2001, and the twin towers have just been…

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