Monday 24 January 2011

Prelim Script 1st Draft

(Manager is seated, anxious as he fiddles with a pen on the table. A young man enters as he limps.)

Manager: Mr (Players name), you alright.
Player: Well, I could be better. My knee isn’t fully healed yet.
Manager: Oh well that’s too bad. Would you take a seat? 
Player:( sitting on chair) Sure.
Manager: I've asked for you to see me. - do you know why?
Player: Actually sir, I thought you wanted to finally put in me up front. 
Manager: Not quite son. There’s actually a problem.
Player: What problem sir?
Manager: Well the lads aren’t really that happy, you see.
Player: Okay…
Manager: And do you remember how you told us about that/
Player: /about my sexuality, that im gay.
Manager: Let’s use Homosexual instead. And yes, the lads aren’t comfortable/
Player: Comfortable about my sexuality?
Manager: Well…
Player: Sir, that’s not my problem. They’ll have to deal with it themselves.
Manager: On the contrary son, it is your problem and my problem. They won’t change or even play football with you anymore.
Player: What? That’s so absurd sir! Surely you can’t be considering this!
Manager: Look; it’s my job to take care of any problems they have. You have, unfortunately turned out to be a problem.
Player: So what are you trying to say? You're going to kick me off the team because of my sexuality?
Manager: Yes and no. We’re going to, lets say, let you move on. Its nothing personal.
Player: Personal? Let me be the judge of that!

( Player walks away very unsettled and angry)

These were my own preliminary ideas about the script that we considered using in our sequence. Though it allows us to build a history between the two characters, we decided that the length and majority of contents were unnecessary. Our sequence was aimed to be roughly for one minute, saying this, had we used this script we would require a larger amount of time to use it appropriately. Also the subject at hand whom the characters are dealing with is a somewhat risky and touchy subject which could potentially affect a viewer personally, so we decided not to use this script.  

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