Thursday 3 March 2011

Evaluation 3

Question 3:- What kind of Media institution might distribute your Media product and why?

The cycle in which an idea for a film later appears on a screen on a local cinema is a long and challenging process. A film starts off as an idea which is then revised and developed; this alone could take a couple of months or so. Then, a script is written for the film which is followed by a budget the director is given by a production company, for example, Warner Bros is a production company that funded Harry Potter with £100,000,000. The director will give this money to the producer who will find the cast, screenwriter, and crew etc. who will be paid from the budget given. The making of the film will be initiated and after it has been made, the film will be issued for marketing and advertisement promoting the film and raising public awareness through trailers, posters, promotional deals merchandise etc. it is then where the distribution companies determine when the product will be available to watch. The imminent exhibition then takes place where the film is sold and showed to members of the public. From this a salary is taken in where the cinemas submit their bounded profits to the team that had made the film.

Our low-budget independent film is not of the same category as your average blockbuster productions such as “Avatar”, “2012” and “Toy Story 3D”. Our production doesn’t involve prominent producers or cast members therefore it is not expected to be a film subject to high expectations, consequently, our film will most probably not be shown in famous cinemas such as “Odeon”, “Vue” or “Cineworld” instead, it shall be exhibited in low-budget cinemas, outdoor cinemas and even on the internet such as “Youtube”, “Blogspots”, etc. Our main goal in distributing our media product is to achieve recognition to help fund our future sequences. This is important for up-coming media institutions as producers and investors are highly needed for future success.

I believe location is pivotal in distributing ones media product. If we made film posters, trailers and promotional deals in Asia, chances of success will be minimum, due to the fact that they cannot relate to the contents of the film at any level. If, however, our film is advertised in America and the UK, the level of interest will increase significantly. This is because our narrative is based upon the 9/11 attacks, which was in America and had affected the globe, more than anybody else, America and the UK. I believe that the audience from these countries would better attract audiences than other Eastern countries. For example, “Slum dog millionaire” was a film mainly distributed to the UK because British audiences would have a better understanding of the narrative than audiences of Africa. The fact that it is set in India, attracts an Indian audience, even though it was not intended to do so, while the main character being an established British-Asian actor attracts attention from the UK just as well. Hollywood however does not have a direct link to the cultural aspects of “Slum Dog” as Britain and India do. Its mixed populated audience, however, will enjoy the narrative and experience. Our media product will be distributed to countries such as America and the UK, but I believe that in America “Premonition” would be most successful therefore, I would invest more money into distributing my product there than I would in the UK. This is simply because America was the country that was most affected by the events of 9/11; therefore, the audiences of America would be much more interested in watching our product than people from the UK. Though the UK was also affected by the attacks to some extent, I believe the fact that it was a British cast that produced this film would be enough to predict some success that this film may be subjected to in Britain.

Production companies such as “Optomen Television” an independent production company known for “flair, originality and attention to detail” that have offices in the UK as well as branches in the US. This is particularly helpful to us, as this production company has links to the UK and the US, which I believe are the best places to distribute our product. The British Film Institution could also help us produce and distribute our product mainly in the UK, as they deal with independent upcoming low- budget films.

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