Thursday 3 March 2011

Evaluation 4

Question 4:- Who would be the audience for your media product?

I believe that the psychographics of our target audience would be people who are open-minded to speculation or conspiracies. This is because our main characters job in the narrative is to show the audience what the conspiracies are and if audience members are passive or too arrogant to think about the conclusions put forward by our narrative, then they will not be enticed into the realm of the film. “Premonition” is also aimed at middle-class workers who may work closely to the twin towers, or who have preliminary background knowledge on the 9/11 attacks and may simply wish to expand their knowledge further. These are the types of people who will be more attracted to our franchise than any opposing personalities.

Primary target audience:
-        18-45 age range
-        Male and Female
-        Interested in extreme conspiracies
-        Previously involved or been effected by event(s) used in narrative (911 attacks)

For our narrative, we understood that our subject matter was a sensitive one as many people were affected by the September 11th attacks, so instead of being limited by this aspect, we used this to craft a larger target audience. We concentrated on educating the audience but in doing so, we still wanted to entertain them by using comedy, making the audience sympathise with our characters from the narrative and astounding facts that aroused questions within the audience. We believed that these methods were the best way in conveying our message. Also we were aware that not many facts are known about this event, therefore many interested members of the audience would watch this for that reason. Films such as “Crash” that convey a message; use a wide range of methods to communicate their intentions. For example, in the film, the director uses comedy to portray the stereotype of a black male. 
As this production is based on a factual event, it is imperative that we use facts to develop our narrative. This will engage many of the audience members who are interested in conspiracies in general or about the 911 attacks. For example, “Angels and Demons” is about uncovering a conspiracy and the story within this film is based upon factual information. This shall challenge the audience’s knowledge.
This film does not contain any genre and themes that may determine what gender it may appeal to most. Unlike productions such as “Die-hard” were the main theme is action, most males would likely be attracted to this type of production. Also “Sex in the city- the movie” may appeal to females, as its female characters and the feminine narrative may be an attraction to such genders.
The age range chosen is because of the serious and sensitive nature of the narrative. This film will not appeal to anyone under the age of 18. For example the target audience of “Crash” would be highly contrasted to a target audience of “Monsters Inc” this is because of the contradicting level of seriousness present in both narratives. Similar to “Premonition” where an audience that may like “Star Wars” will perhaps not be attracted to the genres and themes that “Premonition” offers, and those members of the audience who are attracted to the factual narrative of “Premonition” will reject the fantasy, sci-fi based story-line of “Star Wars”.

Secondary target audience
-        White, Black, Asian and South American  ethnicity
-        Must have a good understanding of English language
-        Male
-        18-35 age range

It was important to us to make sure that our narrative does not appeal to one specific ethnicity as this may make other audience members feel dejected. We wanted it to be clear that the 911 attacks was a global emergency (which it was), not a domestic issue like films such as “Saw” which affect a very small group of individuals in the narrative. Although much of the storyline is based upon one man, we wanted to show that his actions affected the whole world.
Audience members that have a below basic understanding of the English language may struggle in understanding the narrative. As this film follows an intellectual person, subsequently the script for this individual will mirror this. To fully understand, audience members must have a strong understanding of the English language. 
Audience member that may enjoy watching “Premonition” may also like films like “Crash”, “The DaVinci Code” and “Angels and Demons”. These films offer an educational and self-enlightenment narrative which is aimed at a certain social group. For example, “Angels and Demons” is aimed at people, who are very much interested in conspiracies and speculations; these same people will be interested with our media product just as well, due to the educational nature of both narratives of “Angels and Demons” and “Premonition”.
Also audience members that would enjoy “Public Enemies”, “The Social Network” and “Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps” (Wall Street 2), would also be engrossed by the modern adventurous genre that “Premonition” shares with these films. For example, our media product is following a person who has a revelation, and the audience perceive his voyage to his motive. Like “The Social Network” the audience follow the journey of some teenage students where their million dollar ideas have been stolen and their quest to retrieving it.
Though, as I have mentioned earlier, “Premonition” is not aimed at one particular gender, I believe that there will be more male audiences than females. This is because men would be more interested in conspiracies and speculative drama, while women, stereo typically, are attracted to mature romance drama which “Premonition” fails to offer. 

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