Wednesday 16 March 2011


Reactions towards film idea

  • We gathered from our discussions with other students that our story was very complicated, but was still unique. They felt that because of the subject matter, it was important for us to execute our ideas in the right ways. 
  • They understood our intentions and advised us to use authentic and factual information about the 9/11 attacks that would nurture our narrative to enforce the realm of "Premonition".
Reactions while in production

  • As we were editing, there were concerns about the length of some shots that were included in our sequence. Some would drag-on and others were too short to be fathomed by our audience. So the ones that were too long, had been taken out as they were the unwanted elements that the shot had. 
Reactions post-production 
  • We found from our audiences' reactions that they were very confused through out the sequence until the end. I believe that this was what we were aiming for as a psychological thriller, it had people questioning what they had perceived from the muse-en-scene of the sequence. 

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