Sunday 13 March 2011


Conspiracy and Speculation 

Angels and Demons 

Conspiracy and Speculation is revealed in this film through numerous conspiracy theories that are explored by Robert Langdon, who is trying to find out the true culprits who have held the lives of hundreds of people in captivity and threat to kill. It shows the possible existence of an ancient and forgotten cult, the Illuminati. For our narrative, we also intend to have speculation concerning subjects that revolve in and around the 9/11 attacks. We intend to use Cornelius' character to explore said conspiracies and to investigate, as Robert Langdon has done in Angels and Demons. 


Fahrenheit 9/11 

This film is almost identical to ours, only our sequence is structured as a story, not a documentary with a series of interviews. It not only includes terrorism as a theme but also illustrates conspiracy and speculation. This was shown through the kind of information the audience were given via the series of interviews. It depicts multiple opinions about the 9/11, like "Premonition" were we plan to make Cornelius investigate the alternative explanations behind the 9/11 attacks. 

Mental Illness 


The narrative of Momento is surrounded by the theme of mental illnesses. The main character is incapable of storing new memories, therefore he takes a series of pictures to remind himself. This character from Momento shares a mental illness as Cornelius does, but the symptoms are different. Cornelius is a schizophrenic, he is subjected to a series of delusions/visions, inability to interact appropriately towards other humans, can store knowledge beyond the capacity of an average person and is very arrogant, he will very rarely give up an argument.   

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