Sunday 13 March 2011

Research into 9/11

This article had given us more ideas for our story line, and where we wanted to take it. This article shows that, like Cornelius, Rick Roscorla had predicted the 9/11 attacks. Instead of using Roscorla, we wanted to create our own fictional character who was more controversial and odd rather than sticking to Roscorla's "war hero" title. Roscorla did not gain any attention from his foreseeing knowledge, therefore it would not have been as  (respectfully)entertaining to watch as Cornelius. It was unclear how exactly Roscorla conjured the idea of a terrorist attack on the twin towers, so we decided that Cornelius's mental state of schizophrenia had forced a premonition allowing him to see into the future as shown in our opening titles.

This American news website, shows numerous conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks. These said theories are very detailed and compelling, therefore we decided that in the narrative, Cornelius would use these conspiracies to justify his argument about the government's involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Though some are rational and very disrespectful towards the victims of the 9/11 attacks, we will have to limit ourselves in order to provide censored entertainment.

Films that explore the events before and after the 9/11 attacks have received much appreciation, especially "My name is Khan". This film explores the quest of a father whose son died as a result of racism in the post-9/11 attacks period. It had touched the hearts of many Muslim's who felt that they were to blame for the devastations of the 9/11 attacks. "My name is Khan" cashed $2.3m (£1.4m) in America over a four-day holiday weekend. This shows it was highly successful as an overseas Bollywood production. I believe that "Premontion" may have similar effects upon audiences, though "My name is Khan" targets Muslims and their experiences, our production will address anyone who is unsure about the truths about the 9/11 attacks. 

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